Sunday, September 30, 2012

I'm New and I'm Learning

Hi! I'm D. Also known as Super D, DMX, Dr. D, Dawn, and "Dear" when my husband is using his "patient voice" with me.

This is me. Nathan is my friend and he knows sign language. His sign for me is the letter D.  His mom, Andi, took this picture of us. She has a photo blog at
I've always been told I'm crafty. Not like Craft Wars crafty, but able to use what I have around me creatively crafty. I call it cheap, but crafty sounds better, I guess. I like to imagine other ladies sitting around saying, "Look at what that D did now! She is one crafty b$%^$." Hence the title of the blog. A girl can dream, can't she?

What can I tell you about me? I like to cook, turn yard sale crap to gold, and write a little, too, all while juggling a husband, 2 boys, 1 cat, 1 dog, more friends than I deserve, and a veterinary career.

My men.

Morphy, the Psycho Springer
Waylon the Fat Cat

Why, then, do I need to start a blog? Don't I have enough to do? Well, the truth is, I'm doing it because my friend, Andi (, told me I had to. She's kind of bossy, so I obeyed. All kidding aside, I've had my hand in journalism for a number of years. It started with a recipe column in our regional paper ( but I have also written features and personal interest stories. The paper recently became more digitalized and now has less days of actual printed papers. My column got cut, but I did not. While I will still write for them periodically, I knew I would miss the weekly outlet of having my own column.

I'm sure you are thinking, "A veterinarian trying to do crafty home stuff. Sounds like a winner."
While I admit I do suffer from some left brain vs. right brain issues, Andi assures me that I have something to offer the blogosphere. What, I am not sure of. She couldn't put her finger on what that "something" was, exactly. She said, "Do something about thrifty decorating, cooking, and stuff about your life." To quote Bon Qui Qui, "Dang! Anything else?"

1000 Ruudes

So, here we are. Me and the currently ZERO followers I have. We are gonna be great friends, I can tell.

Craftiness to come...



  1. I'm a follower!! I'm a follower!!! You "done good" D!!! Dang that is one craft *&#$#@!!!

  2. Hi, Dawn! I'm a friend of Andi's. I noticed you said you like to " turn yard sale crap to gold". Do you guys have a Habitat for Humanity ReStore? It's a great place to find "treasures". But whether you do or not, follow our store on Facebook to get some great upcycling and repurposing ideas:

    I enjoyed reading...keep it up!

    1. Thanks, Lydia! I will check it out. I'm always in need of good and thrifty ideas. We have a ReStore in two locations nearby. I need to go check it out!
